
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Post November 3rd Thoughts

Okay, first off and staying on topic, I just want to say that we should still keep the Electoral College, as what is mandated by or spelled out in the U.S. Constitution.

Now, if you still do not agree then maybe you might need a Civics refresher course.

Watch me first

So yes, otherwise these people:

might be the ones who will put in public office every elected official, every election year.

Election + Pandemic 2020

So by November 3rd we would know if Larry or Curly will lead our nation out of the current state we are in.

My thoughts are actually, we would have been better off if Larry and Curly actually ran for public office instead of these two bozos whom the DNC and the RNC are shoving down our throats.

We Didn't Learn Anything

I mean didn't we learn anything from 2016? Back then they forced us to choose between two of the most hated Americans alive and we were left to decide who was the lesser evil.

Again in 2020, it's the same thing -- they are giving us a head-to-head slug fest, no holds barred of two of the most hated people in America, and a Battle Royale among four of America's most hated.

Nothing Has Changed

Anyone who said they would leave the U.S. back in 2016 (of course none of them ever did, well not yet at least) are going to be given the same ridiculous reason to do so this year.

It is absolutely insane that as a people, we do not have anyone else to choose from to lead our nation.

It is utterly ridiculous, that we will have to choose between Joe Biden and Don Trump.

Prize Fight

Back in 2016, the DNC was so sure that they will win over the most hated man in America, and so they tossed in the octagon, their most hated to match up. I mean, anybody else would have beaten Trump at any given day, if it wasn't the other most equally hated.

Now that the RNC has Trump running again, the DNC once again choose two of their most hated to run for them. Matching up, right?

Again, really? So who do they think we are?

Post November 3rd

So by November 4th, whoever wins, we all lose. No matter what happens, we will still have this big circus we call the U.S. of A.

So again, who do they think we are, the Wrong brothers?

I guess so, because every year both the DNC and the RNC (the big bullies) acts like Moe and sticks it to us.

And, worse they believe that we are as gullible as Curly and Larry.

And you know what? Most of us are. Sad but true.

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