
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Don't Believe Hollywood

Movies are mostly make-believe and Hollywood is the best example.

Make-Believe World

Media and the news (whatever side) wants us to believe what they are pushing. And Hollywood has created a world that some people actually believe is true.

Here are some of the things Hollywood have routinely showed us and that some actually believe in.

1. Phone numbers start with 555. They don't.

2. We can't file a missing person report to the police if 24 hours hasn't passed since the person missing went missing. This isn't true.

3. The police always arrive late to the crime scene. Okay, this one there is some truth to.

4. Police eat a lot of donuts. Okay, this is true as well.

5. Police work and detective work are glamorous, they do a lot of stakeouts and do good police work. No, it's mostly a lot of reports, paperwork, research, talking to people and luck.

6. We wake up late and rush off to go to school or work straight out of bed. Okay, sometimes, lol.

7. Everyday is exciting. Ah, what do you think?

8. We take our medicine without water. We don't.

9. Our homes look like it's ready for an open house. Well not unless if we are looking to sell it that day.

10. People don't need to work or they always have time to go shopping, clubbing, bar hopping, eating out, spending money. Most people go to work, go home, do chores, pay bills, go to bed and repeat the same things the next day.

11. The main character (the protagonist, lead actor or actress) can do no wrong. There is no such person.

12. The antagonist can do nothing good. Not true.

13. Most people are Christians, and they are all Catholic. No and no.

14. The grass looks greener on the other side. Ok, it generally is.

15. Zombies, werewolves, witchcraft, vampires, global destruction, killer robots, killer virus, end-days, human trafficking, child prostitution? What do you think?

Sound of Freedom

Friday, May 19, 2023

You Can Get What You Want, But You Might Not Want What You'll Get

Women's Rights

A transgender woman is all smiles but stands alone on the podium as apparently the 2nd and 3rd placer did a silent protest.

Women's Cycling

Lesley Mumford, a transgender cyclist bested the age and gender category she was entered in.

She competed in the women's 40 to 49 age group of the 2023 Edition of the demanding100-mile Desert Gravel Co2Ut race.

There were men's and binary/trans categories in this competition. Lesley identifies as a woman so she entered the female category and competed against female born cyclists and blew her competition.

Women fought a long time for their rights against a male dominated world, it appears that they will have to continue the fight, albeit this time silently.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Moon Landings

Yes moon landings, with an s.

Americans went back to land humans on the moon after Apollo 11, for those still asking why they didn't.

And they did so multiple times. 

In fact Apollo 11 was so named because it was the eleventh Apollo moon mission, the first 10 were in preparation for the 11th and future Apollo missions.

True, yes there are doubts on the first landing. But there were six similar flights back to the moon after that. Five of which landed humans successfully after the first one. Each time an astronaut planted an American flag. If there was doubt, no one was doubting anymore since the 70s, even the Soviets.

12 Men Walked On The Moon

A total of 12 men (two on each trip) walked on the moon. In 1972, the Apollo program was halted and future crewed moon landing missions cancelled.

There was no more need or doubt. Americans have convincingly won the space race as several trips and several Americans have successfully landed and were the first humans to walk on the surface of the moon.

Doubts Remain

And yes, we are guessing those who were doubting are too young, born in and around that time, or decades later.

The 50s and 60s were a different time. The world and the motivations were different.

Apollo 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 were NASA's seven manned missions whose sole purpose was to land humans on the moon. Only lucky #13 failed. There was a movie about that.


Cameras attached to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter have photographed five of the six flags planted by astronauts from these Apollo missions who had men set foot on the lunar surface in the late 60s and early 70s. 

Dates and Names of Those Who Landed on the Moon

July 20, 1969
Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin

Orbiting command module third pilot Michael Collins

Aside from a flag, a plaque was also planted

November 19, 1969
Apollo 12: Charles Conrad and Alan Bean

Third pilot Richard Gordon

Apollo 13: Failed to land

February 5, 1971
Apollo 14: Aland Shepard and Edgar Mitchell

Orbiting command module pilot Stuart Roosa

Shepard struck and left two golf balls on the moon

July 30, 1971
Apollo 15: David Scott and James Irvin

Third pilot Alfred Worden

Lunar rover used and left on the moon

April 21, 1972
Apollo 16: John Young and Charles Duke

Third pilot Thomas Mattingly

December 11, 1972
Apollo 17: Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt

Command module third pilot Ronald Evans

The truth is out there. 

Apollo 12

Sunday, October 30, 2022

People Cancelled For Anti Semitic Comments

We all know everybody hates Kanye (Ye) West. There are so many reasons to.

And so all it takes is really that single tweet and he will be cancelled forever, the last straw.

And it happened. Ye being Ye, it was bound to.

This goes the same for others who have made similar anti-Semitic statements in the past.

1. Donald Trump
2. Gina Carano
3. PewDiePie
4. Mel Gibson
5. John Galliano
6. Miley Cyrus
To name a few. The backlash was swift and long term.

The Double Standard

The quandary is while we see that others who made similar Anti-Semitic statements weren't cancelled but merely given a slap on the wrist. Why is that?

1. Whoopi Goldberg
2. Ilhan Omar
And I'm sure many others.

Okay, we can find reasons to why this is so.

But our answers will always be colored by what color our politics are, what color our faith beliefs are, what color our traditions are, and the color of money.

And yes, it all depends if we own the banks, the media, the news, social media and if it fits our agenda or our motives.

Ye needed to be cancelled. Hardly no one is surprised. 

What is surprising is that when Spotify stood up to the pressure not to, but rather on their own corporate terms of use and the American right of freedom of speech, they are now being cancelled for not hopping on the bandwagon.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

My Son Hunter

So a right wing movie finally comes out today. And we should expect it to be leaning far right.

But what can you expect when society is leaning far left. This and the FBI, celebrities and the media will not even touch the Bidens nor the Clintons and the Pelosis.

Hunter Biden: Senators Demand FBI Provide Answers Regarding Laptop Probe

Who Will Watch It?

Now not sure if the extreme right will learn anything new if they watch this film, or if anybody from the extreme left will even dare watch it.

But the battle is really for those who are in the middle, those who voted for people only because they hate the other option more, and all those who are fed up with both political parties.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Last Word on Brittney Griner

Brittney Griner was found guilty of drug possession and smuggling by a Russian court and she has been convicted and sentenced to up to nine years in a Russian prison.

Her story has divided Americans for several months now. 

-Many are saying she has to do the time because she did the crime.

-Some are saying she is only there because female athletes aren't paid as much as male athletes (even though WNBA players are like paid higher than 90% of all Americans)

-Some are saying she is being used as a political pawn (well duh, this will be the case because of all the hype we have built around the story. Did we even hear anything like this in the media about all the other Americans who have been in Russian prison for years, some with made up charges?).

-Some are saying she/he does not like America, so she/he can stay there. (Others are saying when she/he gets back she/he will be protesting more about America than before).

-Some are going to the extremes of bringing up the points that Griner is African American, she identifies as a male, she is married to a woman, and everything else she identifies with, besides the fact that she actually committed a crime in Russian soil. And she should know better. 

-Depending on what political color we subscribe to, that is probably the side we will be on in this case.


Now what Russia has been very upset about is how America, American politicians, the media and Americans are telling Russians how to enforce their laws within Russian soil, and that they are actually holding Griner illegally. Way to go. Way to make matters worse.


Griner is on trial in Russia for supposedly bringing hashish oil (in vape cartridges) into Russian territory upon entry into an international airport outside of Moscow.

In case, we need to be educated, this is a major offense in that country and in every other country, even in the U.S.

It is a no brainer really, Brittney violated Russian laws and claimed doing so by accident. The arrest isn't entirely illegal or without merit. And it's their country, it's their laws that people need to follow while they are in their territory.

Common sense, when in Rome, we do as the Romans do

What They Should Have Done

What should have been done is to keep this story on the down low. And, most importantly not to anger Russia and to come up and put up a defense that will actually get her out. The defense was just undescribable. And everyone played the political game, the trial by media route, the let's make this story big and try to get us brownie points and make us popular, make us look good as we make the Russians look bad, blah blah blah, not a good plan.

Put Up A Real Defense

Then in the end they plead guilty (so they can do a prisoner swap). But at the same time, in the media, Griner is insisting innocence, or the Russians are holding her illegally, or their story keeps on changing. Just be quiet already. They have the right to be silent and they should have.

So as mentioned they plead guilty so they can do a prisoner swap. But then they announce the deal publicly and mentioned who the people involved are. And this is just all so wrong. Who does that? If anything they would have made this as quiet as can be, unless of course if there was another agenda.

U.S. politicians are using this issue to get votes in the coming election. And the media is continuing to milk and make money off of this story. This is just stupid, plus the fact that everyone else is jumping onboard this train wreck. They made this case into a let's fight for female athletes, let's fight for Black athletes, let's fight for gay rights, equal rights, let's fight for this, let's fight for that. Normal Americans do not need to fight for professional athletes. These athletes get paid huge amounts compared to normal Americans.

Russia is just waiting on the perfect "American" who is really "important" to U.S. politicians who they can use to swap with their most notorious criminals being held in U.S. prisons. And now they found one.

Thank you Griner, now you can soon go free in exchange for the most dangerous Russian criminals held in the U.S. Now this should be the last word in this saga. Americans have been played again by the media and by politicians. Russia didn't even have to do anything but enforce their laws. American people have been conned again. What else is new?

Friday, July 8, 2022

The Case of Brittney Griner

Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP via Getty Images

Griner is on trial in Russia for supposedly bringing hashish oil (in vape cartridges) into Russian territory upon entry into an international airport outside of Moscow.

It is an offense in that country and in majority of other countries. It is even illegal in the U.S. (granted the laws may vary from state to state).

But it is a no brainer. Brittney violated Russian laws and claimed doing so inadvertently. The arrest isn't entirely illegal. And it's their country, it's their laws that people need to follow while they're staying there.

Now, even if it is illegal, we know the saying, when in Rome, we do as the Romans do. This is like a hundred times truer in countries like Russia, even more so at this time.

War Time

Because there is a war going on, turning into a pawn in the middle of an ongoing chess game being played by two governments is a very real possibility. Brittney should have been extra careful, more than ever before.

Not The Issue

Being a famous athlete, being African American, being openly gay and protesting the playing of the national anthem during the games aren't the issues here.

And no, LeBron James (or Tom Brady) would not have done such things. And no, not because the WNBA pays less than the NBA (which of course is true due to the NBA is generating revenue and the WNBA isn't). Still players in the WNBA are paid a lot more to play basketball than most Americans are paid to do their jobs.

The WNBA is younger than hundreds of leagues around the world. The NFL has been around for over a hundred years, the NBA over 60. The WNBA is a league still in its infancy.

The Issue Is...

The issue is one thing and one thing alone -- Americans cannot bring their attitude of  "we're Americans we can do whatever we want to do" and their sense of entitlement overseas, especially at certain countries and at particular situations. This is the reason most of the world hates Americans.

Being Americans, we often time gets spoiled and forget what we have, well until we go abroad and find out we have it good back home. Granted it isn't perfect, but when we go abroad, we will realize that in over 90% of other places, they have it worse, case in point.

It is a hard lesson to learn, especially for any American who wants to fly outside their borders.

Yes, Griner should have known better, and should have been extra careful.