
Friday, July 8, 2022

The Case of Brittney Griner

Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP via Getty Images

Griner is on trial in Russia for supposedly bringing hashish oil (in vape cartridges) into Russian territory upon entry into an international airport outside of Moscow.

It is an offense in that country and in majority of other countries. It is even illegal in the U.S. (granted the laws may vary from state to state).

But it is a no brainer. Brittney violated Russian laws and claimed doing so inadvertently. The arrest isn't entirely illegal. And it's their country, it's their laws that people need to follow while they're staying there.

Now, even if it is illegal, we know the saying, when in Rome, we do as the Romans do. This is like a hundred times truer in countries like Russia, even more so at this time.

War Time

Because there is a war going on, turning into a pawn in the middle of an ongoing chess game being played by two governments is a very real possibility. Brittney should have been extra careful, more than ever before.

Not The Issue

Being a famous athlete, being African American, being openly gay and protesting the playing of the national anthem during the games aren't the issues here.

And no, LeBron James (or Tom Brady) would not have done such things. And no, not because the WNBA pays less than the NBA (which of course is true due to the NBA is generating revenue and the WNBA isn't). Still players in the WNBA are paid a lot more to play basketball than most Americans are paid to do their jobs.

The WNBA is younger than hundreds of leagues around the world. The NFL has been around for over a hundred years, the NBA over 60. The WNBA is a league still in its infancy.

The Issue Is...

The issue is one thing and one thing alone -- Americans cannot bring their attitude of  "we're Americans we can do whatever we want to do" and their sense of entitlement overseas, especially at certain countries and at particular situations. This is the reason most of the world hates Americans.

Being Americans, we often time gets spoiled and forget what we have, well until we go abroad and find out we have it good back home. Granted it isn't perfect, but when we go abroad, we will realize that in over 90% of other places, they have it worse, case in point.

It is a hard lesson to learn, especially for any American who wants to fly outside their borders.

Yes, Griner should have known better, and should have been extra careful.

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