
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dealing With A Pandemic

Elementary My Dear Watson

It is true, people are divided on this pandemic issue because they are divided by both inherent and external factors which have greatly affected their ability to comprehend and act on their reality or perceived reality.

I know, that long sentence will throw off most people. And it is meant to. If you are continuing on to read this then you know what I am talking about. Or at least curious as to where I am heading with this thought. If you have no clue then you probably still believe Christopher Columbus discovered America.


First off, everyone is biased, okay whether intentional or not. Or even if we are aware of it or not.

One example is that one person we all know who keeps on yelling that he hasn't a racist bone in his body, but almost every conversation he starts or engages in, he always manages to mention color and stir it in the direction of race.

Okay, he is isn't racist. (I do hope you understand sarcasm).

Upbringing, Media

People's actions are dictated by both inherent and any acquired prejudices they picked up along the way.

For example those whose parents told them growing up that certain people are like this, or that others are like that, grow up with those filters. And it is hard to convince them otherwise.

In the same way whatever society, friends, teachers, preachers, famous people, the news, movies, music, social media tell them, all these are dropped in their memory banks like people dumping ingredients inside a slow cooker in the morning. And when they come back at night, whatever they dumped in there are all nicely cooked and ready to serve. Looks and smells good too.

Personal Agenda, Politics

Add to this we all have our own personal hidden agenda and our partisan leanings. And because we are living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, we act as such.

Walking Time Bomb

Plus add to the fact that this is a presidential election year, we have been deprived of whatever was giving us joy because of the lock-downs and we have not gotten our fixes for awhile, so our inner Karens and Kens just bubbled up to the surface and overflowed out of the lid of our slow cooker.


It's insane that in this year, ironically 20-20, most people are still blinded and cannot see the big picture.

And most are too absorbed with their own hidden motives to even see what's going on.

Red or Blue

What ever political party you support, you will always be fooled for they are just the same exact coin, just opposite sides.

I mean, honestly who in their right minds will give us those two as our choices for president?

Okay, so they may have some of your personal interest in their minds or you think they do, but they are all in politics for one thing. If you still don't know that, you need to stop and think about that first.


The news media, they have one thing in their minds, ratings -- their goal is more viewers, more readers, more clicks, more ads, more money.

Famous people? Like everyone else, they will go where their heart is. And like politicians, you might think where their heart is at, but one thing drives them, okay a few things -- fame, power, pleasure, or a combination or all of the above. And money.

Don't kid yourself. Any one would.


Who cares about the pandemic, the flu is worse.

Old people dying? Who cares about old farts?

Respect for others? I don't even respect myself.

Wear a mask? Make me.

Social distancing? Get out of here.

Wash your hands? Where are we, kindergarten?

I have inalienable rights. No one tells me what not to do.

If you don't believe that this pandemic is real or if you are on the other end of this idiotic debate, if you believe that all the numbers are accurate?

Then you are all fooled.


But believe it or not, the pandemic is real, it is happening all over the world. It is worse in certain areas of course but if it isn't bad in yours it will be, if you are all living like it's 1999.

Pandemics only happen once in our lifetime and so most will have no real point of comparison. But yes, it is worse than the flu.

All In This Together

Hand washing, social distancing, staying home if possible, going out only when necessary, wearing a face covering when going out and being in close proximity with other people, using common sense and common sensibilities, and self quarantining when sick.

These are all we need to do. If you keep on saying we are all in this together and don't even do this, then shut up.

So I need to wear a mask?
Okay, sure, here you go.


During a pandemic, everyone in the whole planet is like in the Titanic, we are just about ready to sink. And so we are indeed all in this together.

This is not a political issue. And this is not about our liberties or our rights.

This is about survival -- life or death.

And this is love or whatever else you call yourself.

If you still don't get it, time to turn off your crockpot. Not good to over cook the meat.

Image Credit. AfP

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