
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

History is Not Just About Names and Dates

I understand that most history teachers have not really found enough ways to make studying about this subject interesting.

And I don't blame them. History just seems to be a hard subject to get easily interested in. Most people, if not all, just seems to be concerned about the future or the here and now. But how many are really geniunely or even remotely interested in past events?

What's Past is Past and There is Nothing We Can Do About it

Now someone once said “history does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”

Mark Twain wrote that "it is not worthwhile to try to keep history from repeating itself, for man’s character will always make the preventing of the repetitions impossible.”

And unfortunately, history has proven that to be correct.

Humankind has not learned a single thing as far as learning from their past mistakes. Every new generation repeats something bad that previous generations have done, and they add a few more mistakes of their own, thereby adding more choices for succeeding generations to repeat themselves.

So, if you find yourself still in school or if you just want to study something worthwhile, then please really study up on history as best you can. It is not only things that happened in the past, but they are actually events that are currently happening and worse will happen again if people continue to not learn anything from them.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Uthor

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