
Monday, August 30, 2021

China Limits Online Gaming

So China just limited online gaming for Chinese kids to one hour a day, from 8pm to 9pm and to no more than three hours per week.


If anyone likes Big Government then they probably would want to move to China. And please do it quickly. 

At any rate, even though this law is extreme and too much for any government to get involved in, it is actually not a bad idea.

Just imagine though if this was mandated in the good old U S of A.

Think about it, imagine the uproar. Imagine the anger, the protests. Imagine the destruction.

There will be total anarchy in the streets. America as we know it will soon seize to exist. 

Which if you really think about it, might not be a bad idea.

Video game addiction has been a really big problem and there is nothing really we can do about it. 

Images Credit:

 (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

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