
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Career Politicians

Career politicians are good at one thing and one thing alone, we should all know this by now. Okay two things.

1. They will say and do anything to further their career.

2. They will say one thing publicly and will do the opposite privately.


Politicians are not much different than Hollywood actors and actresses.

There's the glitz, glamour, photo ops, fake smiles, scandals, playing a part, memorized script, big money, foundations, heck they probably believe in what they have been saying too. Gee, we know they've lied long enough.

But shame on anyone who still believes in career politicians (regardless of party). We still have a lot of these kind who naive people have been been voting back into public office every election time and have stayed in power for 30-40-50 years. Do we even know how they all have flip-flopped through their careers to stay in power and do we know what they have actually done for anyone besides themselves all these years? Although it's really hard to blame most, especially the youth as they still may not know these little things that they ought to know.

Press Release, Damage Control, Win At All Costs

Joe on the violence erupting in Louisville:

"Even amidst the profound grief and anger today's decision generated, 
violence is never and can never be the answer.”

Kamala's statement was even better:

"Violence is not the answer and we must find a way to express 
our grief, anger, and demands in ways that reflect the world we wish to see." 

Spoken like true (career) politicians. And we should expect no less.

I don't know about you but aren't we all sick of career politicians who've done nothing but cater to voters and have done or said anything to stay in power or win an election? These two are prime examples, they were throwing vicious accusations at each other barely a year ago and now they are buddy buddies. And singing the same tune, yes depending on the times and what will benefit them (not necessarily us) the most.

This is the wonderful world of politics, people say they are awake but really they are not, if they still don't know.

Here they are four months ago:

Biden Staff Donate to Group that Pays Bail in Riot-torn Minneapolis, Reuters

Three People Accused Of Violent Crimes Bailed Out Of Jail By Fund Kamala Harris Supported

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