
Saturday, March 1, 2025

US and Ukraine


So watching that "live" meeting at the Oval Office between Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on one side and US President Trump and US Vice President JD on the other, looked straight out of a Real Housewives or Keeping Up With the Kardashians set.

Not sure if it was a set up or not (sure looks like it though). What we can be sure of is that with no media, this would have been like any normal meeting, and of course with much more shouting and arguing and renegotiating.


What is crazy is that the same people who said let's get out of the war in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan or other places are the same ones saying no to a route to end the war in Ukraine.


Okay, we know why. Trump and JD aren't nice people. We get it. Everyone knows.

Several nations, except Russia and her allies are now publicly saying we stand by Ukraine, we stand with President Zelenskyy and his refusal to wear a costume, a suit, only combat wear, army sweatshirt, cargo trousers and combat boots, until the war is over.

What No One Talks About

Now what we are missing here and no media outlet wants to say is that the American Government has been using American taxpayer money to support President Zelenskyy and his combat attire for the last three years -- to the tune of an estimated 175 billion dollars (US Congress Report), no other country comes close.

Australia for example is one of those publicly saying we are supporting Ukraine. Okay, now all of them have to use their own people's money. What is Australia's aid to Ukraine in the last three years? It is just 1% of the Americans.

Granted that US provides military equipment (like every other nation who can) to support in the war effort (I mean that's a no brainer). It does help certain American industries and certain people.

But as we have already pointed out, everyone used to hate it when America goes to war. Yet in this case, it's the complete opposite.


President Zelenskyy called the US Vice President, as JD. Never seen that before.

We know someone makes money in all of these things and whenever anyone goes to war, and this war has been quietly going on now for three years. A few people have been silently making money all this time. But really in the end, it's the American people's money being spent, to the war efforts and towards a few people's pockets.

Whatever we feel about this just reflects our own political colors and personal lives.

To those who don't really care much about Trump and JD, this is just an episode of The Real Housewives of New York.

To the people all over the world who have contributed nothing to the war in Ukraine, your social media posts of "we stand with Ukraine" means a lot to the people of Ukraine. But it will really mean something if you can now take over and put up what the American taxpayers have been silently putting up (an equivalent amount of 58.3 billion dollars to help fund the war efforts of Ukraine every year).

Here is the breakdown:

Here is President Zelenskyy's statement after the meeting:

Zelenskyy finally issuing his thanks and included links in the comments to help support him and Ukraine, let's go.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Birthright Citizenship

A lot of people are joining in the growing heated discussion on birthright citizenship.

It is a big issue. And more so because of who wants to abolish it.

What Is It

So many people have their own opinions on this matter yet most do not even know what it is all about.

Birthright Citizenship simply means that anyone born in the U.S. is considered a citizen at birth.

But are we even aware that criminal minds are helping pregnant people from other countries to come to the United States and keep them for a certain period in safe places where they are kept hidden until they can give birth? Yes for a fee.

California man sentenced for helping pregnant Chinese women travel to give birth in the US

Birth Tourism

Criminals have taken advantage of this policy for a long time.

Here is why it is legal.

14th Amendment

Section 1

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This is the main argument for birthright citizenship. This and a ruling of the Supreme Court in 1898.

The important questions here are:

1. What does "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" mean and

2. Will 47 uphold the statement, "without due process of law".

And also can we do something about this shameful birth tourism industry?

These are why this is a big issue.

Bigger Issue

But the big problem really is that everyone is biased.

And people will side with the things that will benefit them.

People will oppose those which will have a negative impact on them (directly and even indirectly).

They will agree with what the policies (the agenda) of the political color they identify with.

And people will thumb down anything someone they hate are saying.


Both the Red and the Blue side are equally bad. People look at one color with a negative filter.

Birthright Citizenship isn't universal and more countries all over the world do not ascribe to it. Only 15% of all countries have this.

There are only 30 or so countries which have unrestricted birthright citizenship: 
Antigua, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, the United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.


It is not universally recognized, mostly it is only practiced in the Americas (North, Central and South America).

Countries like Australia, New Zealand, Japan, all of Asia and most of Africa and all of Europe do not have birthright citizenship.

Map of those with Birthright Citizenship (


Friday, January 17, 2025

MLK and Inauguration Day

As luck will have it, President-elect Trump will be inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States of America on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

This will be the third time this will take place.

This happened with President Bill Clinton (in 1997) and President Barack Obama (in 2013), both also during their second inauguration.

This will not take place until 2053 (of there is still a US of A).

At any rate, the aligning of these two events this year is a great opportunity to unite Americans who have been divided for the longest time.

With everything bad happening all over the world and also within the US, a more united United States is more imperative than ever.


In a speech in 1965, MLK Jr. said "We must all learn to live together as brothers, or we will all perish together as fools". 

And he is so right.

Incidently President-elect Trump already hinted that "unity" will be the major theme of his inaugural address on MLK Day.

Hard to see why he wouldn't take the opportunity that rarely happens.

Here's hoping this is the inauguration (the beginning, the start, the launch) of something hopefully good.

"Basically it's going to be about bringing our country together."
-Donald Trump

The only problem now is that it is the diehard supporters of both political personalities and political parties that need to find a way around their refusal to see that "unity" and "learning to live as brothers and sisters" is what is needed.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Democrat Hubris

Do we have to spell it out for the Democrats why they lost?

Do they have not learned their lesson yet and do we have to do their homework for them?

Obviously the voting public did their own homework. Celebrities endorsed Kamala. TV Shows, the News Media were for Kamala. Everyone prominent was for Kamala. Everything was anti-Trump. Kamala had more money, more celebrities and more airtime. All these looked like it was enough.

Obama did his homework, he had more time and they executed their plan perfectly, twice. And let's face it Obama was a more likeable guy.

I hope they didn't think doing less would work for Kamala. So were they just so overly confident, they can just fly and ride the wind of their vocal supporters' shouts and accolades and past successes?

Joe? Joe he won by the skin of his teeth and he got progressively worse every year he was President, leading up to the fateful debate -- which they masterfully crafted and scheduled earlier than normal, (so if worse comes to worse, which it did) then they can do a switcheroo (yes which they did too).

People didn't like Joe. But did they really thought people would like Kamala? Joe had to do two tours as VP before he ran for President. Kamala did one.

Whoever pushed for her to be the main ticket, should leave America.

[Pregnant Pause]

Lots of people claim they will leave the US back in the 2016 elections if and when Trump wins. There should be more in 2024. But they probably wouldn't be saying it out loud this time around.


So they honestly thought, Kamala being mixed, she being a woman and a woman of color, she having worked a few weeks in McDonalds, her wit, her sense of humor, her smile, her laugh, her accomplishments, her attacks on Trump and the support of famous people, and organizations and causes would be enough? Hubris.


People have been through a lot (sigh), the pandemic, their businesses closed, they lost their jobs, sickness, deaths in the family, natural calamities, people are homeless, people cannot afford a lot of things, theft, flash mob style robberies, criminals on the loose, there are a lot on everyday people's plates but none to eat and to feed their families. And Kamala is supporting millions of people coming into the country undocumented? How, what the, why?


Does it come as a surprise that Hispanics voted for Trump? They did. Blacks voted for Trump. Women voted for Trump. Christians voted for Trump. Working people (blue collared) voted for Trump. Even younger people and other demographics voted for Trump. He won what should have been a more tightly contested elections, popular and electoral. Someone should be fired.

Photo by Angela Weiss, Getty


Everyday Americans do not care for what Kamala was primarily concerned about.

Trump has always been Trump. There has not been any changes made. We think, he actually became more unlikable for many, he had more court cases and is now a convicted felon. Yet he still won. Unbelievable. He did become uncharacteristically a less impatient and a more mellowed Trump on some occasions and it just shows old dogs can still learn a trick or two. Yet, he is still the Trump of old.

For Kamala supporters though, those who really thought she could win... newsflash, she had no chance, even a lesser chance than Hillary.

And lastly why did they not manage to have Michelle run? That would have been a (Shohei) homerun any day of the week. Now they know how the Angels feel. Go Dodgers.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Hard Truth


Screen grab, Google search

November 5th, 2024, there was a rude awakening for 66-67M Americans (or those who voted for Kamala).

71-72M voted for Trump.

Trump won both the popular and the electoral vote.

It was touted as being too close to call, in the end it wasn't even that close.


Kamala had less chances of winning the presidency than Joe. It probably would have been a better decision to stick it out with him. And this is a real question, why did they choose their candidate without letting the voters have a say.

Polls Vs Primaries

Hillary didn't have a chance in 2016, and she won their primaries. Kamala had about the same chances as her in 2024, actually she had a lesser chance. 

It was wishful thinking in both instances, the very definition of insanity.


News, Media, Hollywood celebrities and machinery were behind Hillary and Kamala. Their supporters thought they had in the bag, yes up until the voting closed. The night of the elections, when the counting started there were tears. There was actual and utter surprise.

Not 2020, No Pandemic

2020 Joe won. But that was not after several days after election night. In 2024, there was none of that crazy wait. It was almost like 2016 all over again. The verdict was clear.

People Don't Like Trump But They Had No Choice

Trump is not a saint, not by a long shot. Yet millions of people who do not like him at all, still voted for him over any other candidate (from his party and from the Democrats).

Kamala's Kamalisms, Kamala's laugh. Kamala's fake accent. Kamala's rehearsed answers. Kamala's condescension.  Kamala's dig at those who shouted Christ is King and Jesus is Lord. Kamala's performance as Vice President. Kamala's stance on issues that middle American care for. Kamala being Kamala.

Exodus 2.0?

Millions of Americans would say they will leave America (again), yes like back in 2016. But millions of people outside of America would give up an arm to trade places with them and millions of these people living outside America risk everything to slip and get into the US by any means. Everything is ironic. Many things go over our heads. Or we are just blind to them. And that's the hard truth.

When we look at a map of the United States it will look mostly red. It bled when we allowed someone to take several shots at and attempt to assassinate an ex-President and one who is running for the position.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

US Presidential Elections

Saul Loeb, Getty

We have lost count of how many recent US Presidential elections have not been about who we want to vote for, but rather it's basically just a choice of who is the one we least hate.

Lesser Evil

Let's look at these:

2024 - Biden or Trump

 Then (Harris or Trump)

2020 - Biden or Trump

2016 - Clinton or Trump

2012 - Obama or Romney

And we can go on.


And what has happened to the Presidential debates?

These once anticipated events have increasingly become harder and harder to watch. Those who are still undecided do not get any real substance to sway them one way or the other.

Now 2024, like the last two elections, is going down to the wire again. It's another close one.

And as always it will just be a handful of states who will decide who will be in the White House in the next four years.


In the meantime, the number of Americans wishing the elections are over are growing by the minute. Election time has turned into circus time.


Americans are treating voting as just another thing they have to do. But really even if they vote or not, nothing ever changes, unless if they live in the handful of toss up states.

Big Question

Millions of other people in other countries are scratching their heads and asking are there no other Americans besides these two who can run the United States of America.

US Politics is all smoke and mirrors, pandering, lies and empty promises. And Americans keep on carrying on like they still don't know what's going on.

Who is the US President right now? Where is the President right now? Plans? Why haven't you done what you want to do in the last three years?

But also how and why does a debate have to go to cats being eaten? And why have the Taliban in Camp David?

Lastly, what's up with the bluetooth earrings?

Are Americans deaf and blind?

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Buffer Generations

People are living longer now and people of one generation have to coexist with people from different generations.


In 2024, the Greatest Generation will be Centenerians.

The oldest of the Silent Generation will turn 100 in 2025.

But majority of our current Senior citizens would be Baby Boomers (those born from 1946 to 1964).

Young Ones

Much of our Younger generation (Millenials, born 81-96; Gen Z, 97-2012; Alpha, 2013 onwards) have always have beef with the Boomers. And it's not hard to see why. The Younger generation was born with Tech gadgets, and the Boomers grew up during the heels of rebuilding after the most destructive world war.


Good thing, there is a buffer in between the Old and the Young - the Gen Xers (those among us born from 1965 to 1980).

Although considered Old, the Gen Xers have 60, 50 and 40 year olds. And really, 60 is the New 40. They aren't really old, not like how old people were back then.

50 now vs. 50 then,

50 now vs. 50 then,

Gen Xers are indeed old now but most aren't that old, or at least they are not yet ready to retire. They still make up a big portion of the workforce.

The Cushion

Gen Xers are the buffer generation because of a few things.

1. They generally don't really care about the Older (Boomer) generation and the Younger generations, nor join in their seemingly constant need to be on each other's nerves.

They don't generally gloat about the "good old days". One because they know it wasn't all that good. They were born in the old ways of doing things and became adults in the new tech era. They experienced 1st hand the evolution.

They play old school, analog, mechanical, digital and electronic.

They don't care that sports in the 80s and 90s were better than in today's era. They generally are smart enough to know that each era (or each generation) have their own GOAT. They normally do not join in the discussion that LeBron is better than MJ, or vice-versa, nor that Ohtani is better than Babe Ruth. I mean some do, but really all this arguing seems so petty, so cliquey, so "I'm not a kid, I'm 12 and 11 months".

2. The Gen Xers' early years were during the pre-gadgets era. And as pre-teens and teens were introduced to the emergence of every new tech device.

They are used to both the old and new, if a worldwide cyber attack happens, their generation may be the most adaptive generation to go through their day without any of the new technology. It will be hard for everyone, I'm sure. But their generation wouldn't be as stubborn or have no direct 1st hand experience with having no smart phones or wi-fi or headphones.

3. Basically they are half Boomer and half Millenial, born with casette tapes, and grew up with compact discs, born with rotary phones, and were the 1st to use pagers and cellphones.

They are that generation who in middle school and high school 1st tinkered with personal computers and electronic devices. 

As youngers they witnessed the transformation of the old to the new, in music, motion picture, in gaming, information technology and most everything else.

They were born exactly when the last Industrial Revolution took place (advancement in electronics, telecommunications and new technologies).

Those being born today will be the generation which will be comparable to them as another new Industrial Revolution is just starting, one where advancement in AI will take place and start to take over everything.

It will surprise many that AI started in the 50s and Gen Xers as youngsters already were introduced to it in the 70s and 80s. Now AI didn't become that sophisticated until the 90s. And it didn't really become a real thing until the last 10, 15 years, but it will be really real soon enough. 

In time Gen Alpha may be the next Buffer Generation, if humankind will survive that long.

“Tech Support”, Cover of The New Yorker October 23, 2017