
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Putin & Biden

Putin and Biden go way back. Putin has been Russia's President for a fourth term, going back since the last century. Biden has been a U.S. politician since forever and in the White House for his third term. 

In February of 2014 when Joe Biden was Vice President of the U.S., Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea, then part of Ukraine.

Fast forward to February 2022 and Joe Biden is President, Putin invades Donetsk and Luhansk, Eastern Ukraine.

Yes, just as Biden and his White House staff were predicting while everyone was taking a break for some winter olympics with Chinese Premier Xi, also long time pals of Putin and Biden.

Incidentally, U.S. gas prices started going up in 2014 around that month and was highest in the summer. 2022, same time. U.S. gas price are already through the roof and still climbing. 

The Old WH Gang Back

In 2014 as Vice President, Biden was a member of President Obama's cabinet in the White House.

In 2022, the same 2014 WH gang are all back. And in many ways, is Obama's third term, if a third term was allowed. 

Everyone on the White House in Crimea's time are back for Donetsk and Luhansk.

Secretary of state, Antony Blinken was Obama's national security adviser and deputy secretary of state.

Secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas was also Obama's choice.

Chief of staff, Ron Klain was also in the Obama administration in 2014.

Deputy secretary of treasury, Adewale Adeyemo was a security adviser in the Obama administration.

Attorney General, Merrick Garland was an Obama supreme court nominee.

Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin was Obama's commander of the central command.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Denis McDonough, was chief of staff and deputy national security advisor.

Press secretary, Jennifer Psaki was Obama's communications director.

National Security Adviser,  Jake Sullivan, same.

Deputy Chief of Staff, Bruce Reed, same, among others, as the list goes on. 

History then repeats itself. Putin even doubled down, taking two Ukrainian cities this time. Maybe because he was going to go get Luhansk in 2018 but the situation was a little different. 

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