
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Trump the Most Inexperienced President Ever


So what's going against Trump is that not only is he not a politician, for previously not having ran or elected to a public office or having served in any capacity in government but that he also has not served in the military, dodging the draft multiple times*.

Thus 45 is the most inexperienced president the electoral college has ever selected. 

And of course, he also lost in the popular votes.

Not Our President

Add to that his seemingly limited vocabulary and his proclivity for using the same words over and over, such as the most, the greatest, best, biggest and huge, mostly referring to himself or what he has achieved.

He is so "unpolitical" he goes off script, he does not listen to his advisers, he is not politically correct, he tweets when he feels like it and speaks his mind without thinking of public perception. And he doesn't care what people think of him.

He also has the most unfirst ladylike wife and do not have really likeable adult children.

All these makes him the most polarizing president since Barack Obama, who he succeeded and who he is the very antithesis of.


Everything about him is so unpresidential and he is such a total political outsider, that career politicians, their supporters and the public in general (at least those who are vocal) so hate him and are ashamed to be Americans. The exact opposite of when the previous First Lady and a lot of other people at that time were able to say that for the first time they were really proud of their country.

Where We Are Now

And there lies where we have been for the last four years of Trump's presidency. Add to this the once in a hundred years pandemic that happened on the last year of his presidency, what perfect timing huh?

Nothing and not that many people gave him a chance in hell and most people refused to work with him or support him.

Public perception, the establishment, the press, the media, tech companies, social media, hollywood, the school system, prominent people and his own staff are all against him. Who wouldn't though? 

And all this has made him respond and act even more with his own unique unpresidential Trump way of doing things. 

But to those who do love him, he can do no wrong.

And to those who hate him, obviously he can do nothing right.

Elections 2020

Now it's the eve of the presidential elections, and America would either kick him out or re-elect him for another term.

Whatever happens America has been so divided for the last 12 years, win or lose Americans will have their work cut out for them.

If they will continue not working for and supporting their elected president (whoever it is) we are going to have the same four years we've had and it could be worse.

*Dodging the draft is common for rich kids, Joe Biden also has multiple draft deferments and also did not serve in the military, but of course is a politician all his life.

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