
Friday, October 16, 2020

Is China, the Smoking Gun (Dragon) That Is Being Kept Hidden From the American Public?

I don't watch BlazeTV but saw a link to a documentary just recently uploaded on their youtube channel and was intrigued on why this is still up and running (meaning not censored yet, but I'm pretty sure this video is not being shown in countries where governments are censoring the internet, yes China & Norrh Korea for example -- but who knew that news media & social media would be censoring within the U S. as well, doesn't this feel a little off or like a forboding of things yet to come?).

Now if you are really able to see beyond the craziness of both parties (yes both are equally bad -- just a choice of who is less bad) and the media (including social media), a lesser known "secret" might actually be the real reason why the unverified NY Post Story was censored.

Inadvertantly Exposed

The late campaign schemes by both parties are desperate measures indeed because like in 2016, this elections might again be very close to call (regardless of what the polls are suggesting). And both parties are aware of this, otherwise why is there still a mad dash to the finish line? The Democrats are up by a bigger margin now than in October 2016 and Republicans don't believe in the surveys but both parties are still running full sprint. They know what's up.


An October Surprise is now standard on the month before the Presidential Elections but this one might have inadvertantly shown a light on a tightly guarded angle on U.S. Politics.

Conspiracy Theory or not and regardless of who you are voting or not voting for, all Americans must have an open mind and watch this documentary which is talking about the "secret" deal with the Chinese government. And without delay, because it could be taken down at any minute. 

It could be hard to watch, but you might regret not watching.

Can't see it? Here's the youtube link


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