The world's latest sport and favorite pastime for several months now is called Trumping Trump.
I mean everybody and their grandmother is doing it.There is even a website where you can literally blow a trumpet on Trump at any angle and just go crazy about it. And they do, because apparently people have done so over 125 million times*.
* Trump(et) Trump here.
Even non-Americans are joining this new craze. I know it's fun and all, and it's so easy. It takes nothing to do it or to join the crowd, he opens his mouth and boom, he tweets and you lose it.
I mean you're sitting there all alone (even right now), on a whim, at a spur of the moment, or while watching a news conference, or listening to a radio broadcast, at a heated conversation, or at the mere mention of his name, you go ballistic.
The media, Democrats, the establishment, Hollywood, the White House, the internet, youtube, facebook, twitter, minorities, immigrants, women, Muslims, the list goes on and goes -- everyone is against him. And worse, even his own party mates hate and bash him. But why is he still alive and standing up from all these attacks from all sides?
I mean don't you think that people are just giving him too much credit? Aren't people just giving him more of a push up than a pull down? Aren't people just giving him all the free publicity (press) and the exposure that he needs? And worse don't you think that the people who are supporting him are just not going to change their minds and worse don't you think that the more people are bashing him, the more he is just gaining others to support him.
Case In Point
The tiny island nation of the Philippines (tiny in size but definitely not in population and social media usage) just finished their own Presidential elections. And in case you need a crash course, the Philippines used to be a colony of the U.S., it could very could have been another Hawaii,. It was for sure an American Samoa, a Guam, a Puerto Rico or any of the other U.S. Territories we still have out there.
But no, the Philippines declared their own independence and became an independent nation in 1946. But don't be fooled they are "more American" in many ways than many "real Americans" in the U.S.
So they just finished their elections, they have the same Presidential election year as the United States do, but only in the same year every 12 years (their Presidential term limits were changed to a single six year term -- if you do the math you'll get this).
The Philippine Trump
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Philippine President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte |
I mean everybody hated him, and still do.
And like Trump, it was so easy, he says all the wrong things especially at the wrong time. He was at odds with the press, partisan groups, human rights groups, criminal syndicates, and even heads of other nations all for the things he stand for and the words he have said.
People hated on him, the media, the internet, the ruling party, the Catholic Church, everyone just like what the world is doing to Trump. And I 'm not really sure if anybody really gave him a chance in hell to win or if people were just afraid that he could. But one thing though they just trumped on him big time and from all sides -- worse than what is being done to Trump even.
But guess what, despite all that opposition, he won and he won convincingly.
The people of the Philippines who were just so fed up with their current condition, with the injustices of the past and the present, and with the broken promises and those who just want to have a new hope and new direction, voted for him.
And if you know how elections are done in countries that aren't really "First World", you would know that what he was able to achieve was just phenomenal and mind boggling. And people in the U.S. and around the world should really think hard on how and at what they have been throwing at Trump.
Remember the people supporting Trump are just like you in every way, they will fight for who and what they support and they will vote for their candidate and if you push so many of these people hard enough they may just do what they did for this man, half way around the world.
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