
Friday, June 24, 2022

Another Distraction

Throwing Us Another Bone To Chew On

Leigh Vogel, NY Times

In case we forgot, and even if we don't believe, we are still in a pandemic, and yes people are still dying of Covid all over the world. And strains of new viruses are popping up all over the place.

There are still shortages of necessary items in the stores.

There is still a war in Ukraine and many other parts of the world.

Gas prices and prices of everything else are still rising.

Rates are still going up, so are home prices and rent.

People are still killing other people.

People are still shooting people in our schools. 

Identity thieves are still stealing our identities. Smash and grab gangs, and flash mobs are still taking other people's properties.

There are those who steal catalytic converters off our cars parked infront of our homes and package deliveries from our front porches. People aren't safe inside places of worship, theaters, malls and other public places. 

There are just so many issues all around us that aren't being addressed. 

Manipulation / Deception

So like clockwork, we need a new distraction, a continuous series of distractions even.

And it is a great plan, for all our daily struggles will conveniently be pushed to the background once again.

Why? For one, it's an election year. Career politicians and political strategists want people motivated to vote.

And politicians thrive when people are not united, or are united on something specific, and they jump on any hot topic to further their political careers. 

It is easier for them to manipulate people when people are united on a specific cause. Career politicians have been doing this strategy for decades, because it works. Yet there are still people who are clueless, or will support scrupulous politicians because they are pushing the same agenda.

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