
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Coronavirus 2021

So in 2020, the U.S. mandated restrictions, locked down cities and shut down schools and businesses. This was before the Presidential Elections. (Of course the administration in power will not close down the economy because it will hurt them at the polls). 

A year later, the U.S. led by a new President has eased up the restrictions, opened up cities, travel and the border. And the new administration opened up schools and businesses. (Of course because keeping it closed will hurt them now). 

One Year Into The Pandemic

Countries that had it worse last year are now going through a second wave of the pandemic and are again mandating restrictions, locking down travel and they are seeing their hospitals at full capacity.

Other countries which were relatively fine a year ago are now seeing their infection numbers rise up.

Europe is starting to get back at the high numbers they saw last year.  The same with Asian countries, such as India and the Philippines. African countries (like South Africa and others), South American countries (like Brazil and Peru) and the Middle East are all seeing numbers going up.

Virus Mutated

New variants of the pandemic virus is popping up on every continent and land, air and sea travel are moving people around the world again

Granted the number of people getting vaccinated is going up and the number of new cases in many U.S. states are going down, but like anywhere else in the world, some U .S. states and cities are seeing their cases going up again and their hospitals going to full capacity again. And the new variants are showing up.

No Rest For the Funeral Industry

Let us not forget the waiting time to have our loved ones buried is still long in many areas.

So do our elected and health officials really care about the American people? Or have they just been playing a game of upsmanship, if not a chess game as they play their political games day in and day out?


The American people, like anywhere else are nothing but pawns as their politicians and health officials do whatever it takes to reach their goal of securing/keeping/furthering their careers and at ending this pandemic as soon as possible no matter the cost.

The pandemic is worldwide, the infected are moving from one place to another. And they are carrying with them new variants.


Of course the vaccinations will work in most instances. But the protection is good for nothing more than six months or a little more (hopefully), or until those vaccinated get infected by new variants.

It is just a matter of time until we are back where we were a year ago. Yes in the same situation our elected and health officials were busy locking down everything.

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