But real "power" comes not from the person who leads the most powerful nation* on earth and is definitely not Time Magazine's Person of the Year (who ever it may be).
*And even when this nation is China, which is predicted to overtake the U.S. as the most powerful nation on earth in a few more years.
Source of Power
Real power does not come from the man controlling the most powerful nation on earth (it's not Trump, not Biden, not Putin, not Xi Jinping).
Real power on earth comes from the people who controls these 10 industries:
1. The Internet
2. Social Media
3. The News (Mainstream Media)
4. Big Tech
5. Entertainment (TV, Movie, Music)
6. Education (Colleges, Universities)
7. Big Pharma
8. Gaming, Sports
9. Food, Water & Energy
10. Gambling & Other Vices (including online shopping)
In 2020 and now with the start of 2021 we should have already seen their power. If we still cannot see this then we have a very big problem. We are either blind or are pretending to be.
The people who owns (and controls) all of these... owns and controls the world.
And the worse part of this truth is that most of these very "powerful" and very influential people have all already banded together and once all of them do, then it's game over.
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority..."
-Sir John Dalberg-Acton (1887)
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