
Monday, November 16, 2020

World Reboot


Roughly every 100 years, the world hits a reset button with a naturally occuring pandemic.

Everytime it's a new strain where people have no immunity to and don't know what it is, how they caught it and how to treat those who got infected.

Death and Destruction

The result is a catastrophic number of infected people, leaving many of them dead.

A rundown of these are:

1340s: The Bubonic Plague

Late 1500s: Second Wave, More Virulent Strain

1720: The Great Plague

1817: First Cholera Pandemic

1918: The Spanish Flu

And the current one,

2019: Wuhan Coronavirus


The first reported case of this current pandemic appeared November 17, 2019, in the Hubei Province of China (Wuhan City) but went unrecognized. Eight more cases appeared in December with researchers pointing to an unknown virus. 

The Chinese people learned about this in December when ophthalmologist Dr. Li Wenliang defied government orders and released safety information to other doctors.

The following day, China informed the World Health Organization (having no choice by then, they couldn't hide it anymore) but they charged Li with a crime.

Dr. Li died from COVID-19 just over a month later.

CNN: Chinese doctor tried to save lives, but was silenced


From January to March, the WHO and the Chinese government did not try to contain the new virus and by mid March, it had spread to more than 160 countries.*

On January 14, the World Health Organization stated that there was no clear evidence that the new Wuhan coronavirus could spread from human-to-human.

On January 23, the World Health Organization says the Wuhan coronavirus is not a public health emergency of international concern at the time.

*January 25, Over a billion Chinese people worldwide celebrated the Lunar New Year, travelling across China, flying overseas and congregating indoors, in parades and other festivities.

On February 11, the World Health Organization changed the name of the new Wuhan coronavirus to COVID-19.

Unique, Unusual, Suspicious

Of all these pandemics, the current one is set apart in the sense that at this time humankind already has the capability and had the ability and the means to prevent this pandemic from happening or at least containing it (an epidemic as opposed to a pandemic). 

The WHO is supposed to oversee that everything is being done to contain the spread of an epidemic especially of a novel or unknown virus which humankind has no immunity to. The government of the nation where the virus originated or where it was first reported has the duty to contain its spread beyond its borders.

But everyone knows none of these were done.

Intentional Reboot?

The suspicious thing about it is that the presumed epicenter of this pandemic and it's leadership who initially hid this from everyone and did not contain it now seems to have miraculously controlled the infection as the whole world is seeing their dead and their infected still rapidly rising.

WHO's and China's responsibility was to prevent the spread of this disease. Now that they have, it leaves doubt as to why they didn't do the steps necessary back in January. 

Conspiracy theories even abound, that this could be a manmade virus, meaning that it didn't even occur naturally -- one that was accidentally or intentionally released. (Uncanny that the Wuhan institute of Virology, a lab studying viruses is in Wuhan City, where all this started).

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